Prevent Pets From Wandering

Prevent Pets From Wandering

Pet owners can employ various strategies to keep their pets safe at home.

Wandering is a common complaint among pet parents. The urge to wander is inherent to many animals. Cats, dogs and animals in the wild naturally wander to claim new territory, find greater comfort and even seek out mates. However, companion animals that wander can land themselves in hot water. Some may scuffle with feral animals, while others may be permanently lost or suffer severe injuries.

In 2012, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals surveyed 1,015 households that had cared for a dog or cat within the past five years. Fifteen percent of participants had lost a dog or cat in the past five years. Pet owners can employ various strategies to keep their pets safe at home.

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COVID-19 and your Pet

Coronavirus and Your Pet (COVID-19)

By Renee Schmid, DVM, DABT

Senior Consulting Veterinarian, Clinical Toxicology


Coronavirus is a type of virus consisting of numerous strains that have been seen in animals including dogs, cats, cattle and chickens.  These strains can cause gastrointestinal or respiratory illness, including Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in cats.  Vaccinations have been used to prevent the common companion animal strains for decades.

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5 Ways to Prevent Lost Pets

5 Ways to Prevent Lost Pets

The summer months can be a prime time for pets to become lost. Increased thunderstorms as well as fireworks displays can frighten pets. 

Despite the sadness, uncertainty and disruption to millions of people's lives, the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has provided some silver linings. One such positive side effect of people being asked to spend more time at home is the opportunity for individuals and families to open their abodes to needy animals.

Pet adoptions have increased as people have found more personal time to devote to companion animals. The Pet Health Network says that people experiencing loneliness from being apart from others often turn to pets to help them feel better. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in Virginia brought in 149 animals from high-kill shelters in March 2020 and adopted 134 in a single week, matching the agency's monthly average. Data on New York City animal shelters indicates that, as of early May 2020, 43.5 percent of shelters were experiencing an increased demand for adoption since the COVID-19 outbreak.

As pet adoptions increase, new pet parents are urged to remember to take every precaution to keep their companions safe and secure. The summer months can be a prime time for pets to become lost. Increased thunderstorms as well as fireworks displays can frighten pets. Also, more time spent outdoors may make it easier for "escape artists" to find their way out of backyards or get free from leashes. 

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