Using YOGA To Reduce Stress During Covid-19
By Maggie M Perritt, BS, MS, RPh, CHC
It seems like yesterday that we were welcoming in the new year bound and determined that this was the year we would be healthy, and then COVID happened. As if the stress of dealing with a pandemic isn’t bad enough, the world as we know it seemed to stop as quarantine and shelter at home became everyday occurrences and with it, more stress. Stress can manifest itself in many ways including poor sleep, headaches, high blood pressure and skin complications.
Now more than ever, we need to focus on our own health and wellness and make it a priority. We will emerge from this crisis, and the habits we develop now will drive our success. Start with staying hydrated, maintaining a good skin hygiene and consider adding yoga to your routine*. Regardless of your level, yoga offers something for everyone, can be done in any environment, and offers some great health benefits to boot.
Yoga focuses on the core principles of breath, balance and stretching, and there are a ton of benefits. I’ll focus on a few that are critical for our wellness during this pandemic.