Using YOGA To Reduce Stress During Covid-19

Using YOGA To Reduce Stress During Covid-19

By Maggie M Perritt, BS, MS, RPh, CHC

It seems like yesterday that we were welcoming in the new year bound and determined that this was the year we would be healthy, and then COVID happened. As if the stress of dealing with a pandemic isn’t bad enough, the world as we know it seemed to stop as quarantine and shelter at home became everyday occurrences and with it, more stress. Stress can manifest itself in many ways including poor sleep, headaches, high blood pressure and skin complications.

Now more than ever, we need to focus on our own health and wellness and make it a priority. We will emerge from this crisis, and the habits we develop now will drive our success. Start with staying hydrated, maintaining a good skin hygiene and consider adding yoga to your routine*. Regardless of your level, yoga offers something for everyone, can be done in any environment, and offers some great health benefits to boot.

Yoga focuses on the core principles of breath, balance and stretching, and there are a ton of benefits. I’ll focus on a few that are critical for our wellness during this pandemic.

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Throwing the Book and a Hook at Breast Cancer

Throwing the Book and a Hook at Breast Cancer

Life is full of surprises

By Gary S. Hatrick

Paula S. O'Neil, 63, has been a public servant for nearly four decades.

The St. Louis native came to Pasco County in 1987 with seven years of public service already under her belt. Her retirement in 2019 after three terms as Pasco County Clerk and Comptroller was the culmination of 39 years of such service known for honesty, hard work and community involvement.

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African Continental Finalist 2021-Karen Benedette Sequeira

Karen Benedette Sequeira

African Continental Finalist 2021

The Africa pageant was started in the year 2001 by Carolyn Baldwin-Botha, CEO of Pageants SA and who is known as the Mother of Pageantry in South Africa. Carolyn has produced literally thousands of titleholders nationally and international winners over the past 19 years, including Miss Africa which started in 2001 and Mrs Africa which began in the year 2006, with charity work being the golden thread that links this dynamic pageant system together.

With the years, came new opportunities, dynamics and most of all a movement to give dignity back to people in Africa. “Think about what you will say to someone if you can’t even give them hope.” The truth behind these words came with meeting extraordinary women in horrific circumstances, and we learnt that you can give someone at least their dignity back under any circumstances and we vowed to use the powerful platform of the Africa Pageants to make a significant change on the African Continent.

Carolyn expanded the Africa Pageant Brand for the first time into Africa in 2016, thus making it the first of its kind on the African Continent. With the passion and vision to make a significant and sustainable difference in Africa, the Africa Pageants Brand has grown tremendously over the last 3 years.

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Divorce On The Horizon? Here is what NOT to do!

Divorce On The Horizon?  About to go through a divorce? Here is what NOT to do!

By Hayley Botha, Founder & CEO
Emerge StrongTM Divorce Coaching Services

If you know a divorce is on the horizon for you and your spouse, it is of the utmost importance to know what not to do from this point forward. 

Your soon-to-be ex-spouse is wearing you down.  You are tired of the arguing and possibly at the point where you will do anything to just keep the peace. "Please sign these papers," he/she asks. You would be surprised how many people would just sign papers put in front of them. When you know the marriage is over, there are things you must do to protect yourself from being financially burned.  With this in mind here is a list of things you should not do if you want to have a successful outcome in your divorce case. 

  • Whatever you do, DO NOT sign anything just before you have filed a petition for dissolution. You would be surprised how many people will sign a document just to stop arguing with their spouse.  
  • Show all documents you have been asked to sign to your attorney. This is what you are paying for, your attorney should review everything before you sign any document. 
  • Do not lie to your attorney, ever!
  • Do not dispose of assets that you know your spouse will request.
  • You may have joint bank accounts; however, I would recommend you do not “empty them” since your spouse is most likely entitled to half the funds. Again, speak with your attorney to confirm you may take your half of the funds in joint accounts.  
  • Unfortunately, many people try their best to “get even” with their spouse by incurring debt in their name. This is just stupid and will only make things worse for yourself. Don't be surprised if you end up legally responsible for those debts if it is proven this was not done without your spouses’ consent. 
  • If you cash a tax refund check which most likely belongs to your spouse, be prepared that a judge resolves it against you, and you must pay back your spouse.  
  • Do not ever discuss advice or strategy received from your attorney with other persons.  That destroys the attorney-client privilege and the attorney on the other side is free to obtain this type of information in discovery. 

Before you leave your home for the last time, please ask yourself if there is anything you wish to keep? If the answer is yes and taking it may cause a fight, you may have to leave it.  However, make sure you take an inventory of household items.  You need to be able to show what assets have been removed or destroyed.  If nothing else, walk through the house with a video camera and video everything there.  It will help you create a list of assets.

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5 Ways to Prevent Lost Pets

5 Ways to Prevent Lost Pets

The summer months can be a prime time for pets to become lost. Increased thunderstorms as well as fireworks displays can frighten pets. 

Despite the sadness, uncertainty and disruption to millions of people's lives, the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has provided some silver linings. One such positive side effect of people being asked to spend more time at home is the opportunity for individuals and families to open their abodes to needy animals.

Pet adoptions have increased as people have found more personal time to devote to companion animals. The Pet Health Network says that people experiencing loneliness from being apart from others often turn to pets to help them feel better. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in Virginia brought in 149 animals from high-kill shelters in March 2020 and adopted 134 in a single week, matching the agency's monthly average. Data on New York City animal shelters indicates that, as of early May 2020, 43.5 percent of shelters were experiencing an increased demand for adoption since the COVID-19 outbreak.

As pet adoptions increase, new pet parents are urged to remember to take every precaution to keep their companions safe and secure. The summer months can be a prime time for pets to become lost. Increased thunderstorms as well as fireworks displays can frighten pets. Also, more time spent outdoors may make it easier for "escape artists" to find their way out of backyards or get free from leashes. 

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How Families Can Cook Together as They Confront COVID-19

How Families Can Cook Together as They Confront COVID-19

Some simple ways to get the whole family involved when the time comes to get dinner on the table.

Families are spending more time at home than ever before. Stay-at-home guidelines have led many parents to expand their culinary horizons, and time in the kitchen can be made more enjoyable by getting the whole family involved.

As stay-at-home measures continued throughout spring, boredom was a common complaint among people of all ages. Families sticking out social distancing together can confront that boredom by working together to prepare delicious, homecooked meals. The following are some simple ways to get the whole family involved when the time comes to get dinner on the table.

  • Include young children. Younger children may not be able to cut, dice or chop, but that does not mean they can't participate in nightly cooking sessions. Kids can stir, pour and, perhaps most importantly, shake. Helping to prepare food can help children feel like they're part of the family and even encourage them to make healthy choices. Each of those things can benefit children in the short- and long-term. Older kids can take on more responsibility when preparing meals, and teenagers can even tackle entire meals on their own if they so prefer.
  • Rotate the responsibility for choosing dishes. The family chef may be accustomed to choosing meals. But with stay-at-home measures in place and restrictions only slowly lifting, sharing that responsibility can be a great way to make everyone more excited about mealtime. Parents can still choose the majority of meals, but let kids choose one or two meals per week. To prevent kids from always opting for less healthy fare like macaroni and cheese or pizza, establish certain rules. For example, note that each meal must include at least one fruit or vegetable, relaxing these rules as you see fit. This is a great way to teach kids about nutrition while also showing them how less nutritious fare like pizza can be made healthier by replacing toppings like pepperoni with freshly cut vegetables.
  • Expand your operation. In-person baking sessions with grandparents and large Sunday dinners with extended family members may not be possible in the era of social distancing. However, such traditions need not be abandoned entirely. Utilize video conferencing apps like Zoom to prepare foods together, with each family member whipping up their own meal or dessert. Items can then safely be dropped off at each other's homes. Go the extra mile by keeping the video conference going as everyone sits down to indulge in a tasty meal.

Cooking together can be a great family-friendly pastime as adults and children look for ways to spend quality time together while stay-at-home measures remain in place or are gradually relaxed. 

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Five Tax Cheats Explained

Five Tax Cheats Explained

Thinking about stiffing Uncle Sam? Well it's not exactly legal — not at all legal, come to think of it — but one tax expert ran the hypothetical for us.


First off, it is highly illegal and incredibly stupid to cheat on your taxes. This isn't to say that no one does it, but it's important to stress this point strongly off the top. See, the thing about an audit by the Internal Revenue Service is this: it's nothing like being arrested, where you're innocent until proven guilty. It's just the opposite. When the IRS comes a-knocking you're guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.

But with such a tiny fraction of returns audited each year this doesn't mean people aren't out there looking for shady ways to pare down their tax burden. "A lot of tax evaders come to my site," says Kelly Phillips Erb, the highly ethical tax attorney who runs the blog "And I let people talk about it because I find it interesting, and I find their logic interesting."

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COVID-19 Symptoms are Similar to Lyme Disease 

Summer Health Alert:  COVID-19 


Symptoms are Similar to Lyme Disease  

After being stuck inside for weeks, thanks to the novel coronavirus pandemic, people across the country are venturing back outdoors now the weather is warming up.

A recent survey finds 43 percent of Americans say they plan to do more outside activities post-COVID 19 lockdown, like walking and hiking.

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Easing Concerns During Pandemic

Easing Concerns During Pandemic
Local Customers Getting Direct Access to COVID-19 ANTIBODY TEST

Local families worried about potential exposure to COVID-19 over the last few months can now get their blood checked at Any Lab Test Now to see if they have antibodies to the virus which causes coronavirus. The federal government has approved the emergency use of this COVID-19 Antibody test during this pandemic. Any Lab Test Now is the nation’s leading provider of direct access lab testing, with more than 180 locations nationwide including the Wesley Chapel store at 27421 Wesley Chapel Blvd, and Ft. Myers store at 13401-9 Summerlin Rd.

“This COVID-19 Antibody Test is providing a crucial answer to a question so many people are still asking, ‘Have I been exposed to the coronavirus?’” explains Linda Markley, franchise owner of Any Lab Test Now in Wesley Chapel & Ft. Myers. “Our test does not screen for COVID-19, only for antibodies to the virus. In just a few days after taking the COVID-19 Antibody Test, customers test results are available in an easy-to-read report in approximately one to two days after specimen collection by logging into our results portal on a smartphone, tablet or desktop. They can share them with their doctor who can further explain the impact to their personal health.”

While customers can usually walk into Any Lab Test Now anytime for services, an appointment is required for the COVID-19 Antibody Test. Each customer must also pass COVID-19 screening protocols before getting access to the COVID-19 Antibody Test. During the screening, Any Lab Test Now employees will ask customers questions about potential COVID-19 exposure, as well as symptoms like fever, chills, body aches, within the last 14 days. Some locations are also taking customer’s temperatures.

Any Lab Test Now is also following special protocol when conducting the tests. Customers can stay in their car and call when they arrive for an appointment.  Any Lab Test Now employees are ensuring the building is safe and clean before a customer walks inside. They are sanitizing countertops, doorknobs, handles between every customer, wearing government-approved personal protective equipment (PPE) like a facemask and gloves and washing their hands after removing PPEs.

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July is Sarcoma Awareness Month

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month

Sarcomas can fly under the radar, but understanding sarcoma can help individuals and their families cope with a diagnosis more effectively.

Sarcoma is often considered a "forgotten cancer" because it is not widely known or spoken about. Sarcoma is an uncommon group of cancers which arise in the bones, and connective tissue such as fat and muscle. In most cases, it’s not clear what causes sarcoma. Family history and exposure to chemicals or radiation may increase risk. Throughout July, individuals can spread information about sarcoma to help get it the attention — and research for a cure — that is deserving to those facing a sarcoma diagnosis.

A Brief Glimpse at Sarcoma

Far too many individuals are familiar with cancer. According to the World Health Organization, cancer is responsible for roughly one in six deaths across the globe, making it the second leading cause of death worldwide.

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Keep your Immune System Strong During this Pandemic!

Keep your Immune System Strong During this Pandemic!

A healthy immune system is vital to fending off or recovering from illness. It is a powerful component of the human body. The immune system recognizes when viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders enter or compromise the body, and then takes action to prevent illnesses from taking over. The average person can help his or her immune system do its job more effectively by making the immune system as strong as it can be.

Harvard Medical School says that diet, exercise, age, and psychological stress may affect immune system response. Certain lifestyle choices can promote a strong immune system.

  • Get adequate sleep. Doctors believe sleep and immunity are closely tied. A study of 164 healthy adults published by the National Institutes of Health found those who slept fewer than six hours each night were more likely to catch a cold than people who slept for more than six hours. Aim for adequate rest each night to keep your body in top form.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables supply the powerhouse antioxidants that are essential for protecting a body against free radicals. Free radicals may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Serve fruits and/or vegetables with every meal to ensure you're getting enough antioxidant-rich foods.
  • Consume fiber and fermented foods. Fiber can help feed the gut microbiome, which is linked to a robust immune system. The microbiome also may prevent harmful pathogens from entering the body through the digestive tract. Data also suggests that eating more fermented foods can further strengthen and populate healthy bacteria in the gut.
  • Exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, advises the American Heart Association. Thirty minutes of exercise each day can go a long way toward keeping the body healthy. The U.S. National Library of Medicine says physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. Exercise causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells. These antibodies and white blood cells circulate rapidly, so they may detect illnesses earlier than they would if you do not exercise. Body temperature also rises during exercise, which could naturally prevent bacteria from growing.
  • Try to minimize stress. According to Simply Psychology, when people are stressed, the immune system's ability to fight off antigens is reduced, making people more susceptible to infections. The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system. Limiting stress through meditation and breathing exercises, or trying to remove stressors from one's life, may help.

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From Hospice Employee to an Intuitive Grief Coach by Lisa Washington


From Hospice Employee to an Intuitive Grief Coach

Lisa Washington, Author

Lisa Y. Washington is the author of the entitled book A Caregiver in The Last Hours: My Heartfelt Stories on Death and Dying, a Certified Life Coach and Intuitive Grief Coach. She has spent over twenty years of caring and helping people to value themselves and live a better quality of life; emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Lisa has served as a CNA, Administrative Assistant, and Scheduler with organizations such as Hospice (17 years) and Humana (5 years). Her current role with Humana is Community Health Educator.

Deciding she wanted to make a larger impact, Lisa has packaged her experience and passion into her signature coaching program, Soul Coaching.

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"Shine Like the Star You Are" with Belle Étoile’s Jewelry

Belle Étoile Jewelry

In French, Belle Étoile means shining star. That is why a delightful radiance permeates throughout all our creations. Designed to reflect the latest European fashion trends, our dazzling selection of exquisite jewelry enhances the lifestyle of the modern woman. Belle Étoile adheres to the philosophy of combining natural beauty and grace with the marriage of high-quality craftsmanship and outstanding designs to give you the fun, beauty, and excellence that you expect from Belle Étoile.

With just one look, it’s no doubt that Belle Étoile jewelry is made to make an original statement. Honestly, one of the most exciting things about this designer is the diversity among their rings, necklace pendants, bracelets, and earrings. Their high-quality enamel work features surface design of everything under the sky: from geometric shapes and circles, to floral designs, to artistic patterns using bold colors, exquisite enamel, sparkly cubic zirconia, and shiny sterling silver.

Some standout pendant necklaces are pieces like the Pashmina Pendant, which layers flowers and patterns in an asymmetrical square, outlined in light blue. This piece is simply like wearing a lovely, tiny painting! Or, step out for an evening while wearing the Butterfly Kisses pendant, which features a black background and butterflies rendered in a stained-glass style. Regardless of the occasion, Belle Étoile necklaces are sure to enhance your outfit.

Bangles are another great way to add some punch to your look. With so many fashionable styles from Belle Étoile, you just might want to pick a bangle for each day of the week! 

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M.O.M's Charity Celebrates Sixth Anniversary

M.O.M's Charity Celebrates Sixth Anniversary

M.O.M continues their six year mission to assist struggling families in Tampa Bay

By: Mothers of Minors Inc.

New Port Richey based non-profit, Mothers of Minors Community Outreach (M.O.M), is marking 6 years of serving single parent families in Pasco, Pinellas, Hillsborough and surrounding Counties.

M.O.M was founded in May 2014 by Andrea L. Clark, a single mom of four with a heart to help other struggling single moms.   The charity is focused on the empowerment of single mothers through community baby showers and by offering referrals to community resources that also assist with growing the self-sufficiency of families in the community.

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National Ice Cream Month - History of the Ice Cream Truck

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream…….

National Ice Cream Month is held in each year in July in the United States. Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month in 1984. He also named the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream Day. Reagan recognized the popularity of ice cream in the United States (90% of the nation's population consumes ice cream) and stated that these two events should be observed with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."

Foods don't get much more coveted than a scoop or two of delicious ice cream on a hot day. Ice cream comes in scores of different flavors. Just ask Baskin Robbins®, which has long touted its own 31 flavors - a different flavor for every day of the month of July. Even though there seems to be a flavor for everybody these days, certain palate-pleasers remain more popular than others. According to an August 2019 survey conducted by ProdegeMR, a provider of people-driven insights for the market research industry, chocolate was consumers' preferred ice cream flavor in Canada, with 23 percent of survey respondents indicating it was their favorite. The International Dairy Foods Association indicates that Americans favor a different flavor of ice cream. In the United States, vanilla is the flavor of choice, perhaps because vanilla goes with everything and can enhance so many other desserts and treats. As popular as vanilla ice cream is, cookies and cream is being scooped up more and more, and is the most popular flavor in 14 different states.

The History of the Ice Cream Truck

On a sweltering day, few things bring relief as immediately as a favorite frozen treat. The United States leads the world in ice cream consumption, with an average of 26 liters per person consumed per year.

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Benefits of Salt Room Therapy

Vintage Clothing the LOUDEST conversation in Fashion


Resale shopping attracts consumers from all economic levels. There is no typical resale shopper, just as there is no typical resale shop. No one is immune to the excitement of finding a treasure and saving money. According to America’s Research Group, a consumer research firm, about 18% of Americans will shop at a thrift store during a given year. For consignment/resale shops, it’s about 15%.

  1869 Hits

Foster Care - A Looming Crisis

Dr. Pina Panchal, MD, & Dr. Linette Rivera, MD

Bella Mia Medical Aesthetics and Laser Institute


By Jen Wead

Our January Empowered Woman column features two medical doctors, aestheticians, and entrepreneurs that are changing the way their clients view aging.  Dr. Pina Panchal, MD and Dr. Linette Rivera, MD joined forces to open the type of business that they wanted to frequent themselves. Their partnership, and Bella Mia Medical Aesthetics and Laser Institute began three years ago in South Tampa, when as medical doctors who worked together, they knew they shared a common goal: to open their own practice. Together, they began their research and ended up attending a conference on aesthetics, falling in love with the field.

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Human Trafficking

Sally Richardson NOT For Sale... Ever. Again



The whole idea of being driven in life is connected with the idea of causality, of life moving under the power of the past.  And that is so ingrained in our common sense that it’s very difficult to get rid of it. A thing constructed can only be loved after its constructed, but a thing created is loved before it exits. - Charles Dickens, Authentically Pivot

By Simon E. Bois, Florida Night Train

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Taking a Look at Fatherhood


Dads are often the first heroes in their young children's lives. Dads chase away ghosts in the closet, let their daughters dance on their toes and teach their sons how to win the heart of their first crush.

The first Father's Day a new dad spends with his growing family can be quite memorable, as celebrating one's fatherhood for the first time is a unique and special time. Spouses and other family members can go the extra mile to make this year that much more special for first-time fathers.

Let Dad sleep in. Chances are Dad is enamored with his little bundle of joy, but it's well-known that being a new father often means sacrificing sleep time - especially for the first several months to a year of that child's life. Enlist the help of a family member who can be on baby watch while Dad gets to sleep in on the weekend of his big day. With some extra sleep, Dad can enjoy Father's Day that much more.

Create a first-year memory book. Take the time to put together a scrapbook of the photos and moments baby and Dad have gotten to spend together. So much focus is often placed on a new baby and his or her mother that Dad may be left playing second fiddle. Make it clear that fathers are key to their children's development and happiness, too.

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